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Our students enjoy spending time outdoors!

Our students enjoy spending time outdoors!

Every year, the World Health Organization selects a priority area of global public health concern as the theme for World Health Day. The theme for this year's World Health Day is a disease that directly impacts millions of people — diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of glucose in the blood which, over time, may lead to serious body damage.

Take some time to consider these sobering statistics from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Indian Health Service:

  • 2.2 times higher — Likelihood of American Indians and Alaska Natives to have diabetes compared with non-Hispanic whites
  • 68% — Percent increase of diabetes from 1994 to 2004 in American Indian and Alaska Native youth aged 15-19 years
  • 30% — Estimated percent of American Indians and Alaskan Natives who have pre-diabetes

This is where St. Joseph's Indian School comes in.

St. Joseph’s students make healthy decisions.

St. Joseph's students make healthy decisions.

St. Joseph's understands the importance of holistic care—taking care of our students … mind, body, heart and spirit.

In Personal Living Skills classes and in their campus homes, St. Joseph's students learn about the food groups and take a hands-on role in healthy food preparation.

During school lunchtime, students choose from a salad bar with fresh fruits and vegetables every day. In addition, sweet potatoes, brown rice and other whole grains have been introduced and are now on the menu regularly. In the homes, our houseparents take care to ensure that all food groups are covered.

Every day, our students also visit the rec center and play outside. St. Joseph's staff is deliberate in encouraging our students to get ample amounts of physical activity.

Thanks to caring friends — like you — we are helping Lakota (Sioux) students learn to make good lifestyle choices to help them combat this disease!