First, a little about you …
Were/Are you or a family member in the military?

Do you, a family member or a friend have Native American ancestry?

Many health disparities occur within the Native American community. Diabetes, obesity and addiction all lead to a lower life expectancy. Studies show a healthy lifestyle comes from exercise, good mental health and quality food choices.

Did you know we have an on-campus health center with professionally trained medical staff to conduct doctor appointments and check-ups?

Did you know we have an on-campus recreation center that focuses on healthy lifestyles and exercise?

Last year, of the 214 students served on campus, 162 students received specialized counseling services. Of the counseling services you help provide, which interests you the most:

Year after year, multiple South Dakota reservations appear as the Census’ list of poorest counties in the United States. The fact is, many of our student families live in poverty. Because of friends like you, St. Joseph’s Indian School provides a loving home-away-from-home where they have endless opportunities for a brighter future.

Were you aware 98% of funding for St. Joseph's comes from private donations like yours?

Were you aware donations pay for housing, education, food, clothing and counseling -- all services for the students -- and are at no charge to students' families?

A tight-knit group of supporters, DreamMakers, make monthly, automatic donations to help our Native American children. These people go above and beyond to help at-risk children rise above the challenges and provide opportunities to dream for a future filled with hope. Would you be interested in hearing more about this life-changing opportunity to become a DreamMaker, too?

Personal legacies to St. Joseph's Indian School are of enormous benefit in our work with the Lakota (Sioux) children. Many people, like you, leave a special gift in their Will or Trust. These wonderful donors are members of our Legacy Club and believe in investing in the future of the children we serve. Would you consider including the Lakota children in your Will?